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World Book Day 2023 and Vashti Hardy's visit

This document will support you reading with your children

Drop Everything and Read

Useful website for inference with pictures


Grammar Glossary for Parents

The English National Curriculums for each year group: 



To achieve 'greater depth' by the end of Year 2, children must 'use the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join some letters'. 

To achieve 'expected' by year 6, children must 'maintain legibility in joined handwriting when writing at speed'. 

For these reasons, as a school, we teach cursive writing from years 1 to 6. We feel it is important that children are secure with their cursive handwriting by the time they get to Year 6. 

As a school, we are subscribed to the Letter Join programme for handwriting to ensure that all children have regular teaching of handwriting and the opportunity to practice their skills. 


Spelling resources: 

In every year group/key stage there are a list of common exception words/statutory word lists that children in those year groups must be able to read and spell. The word lists are attached below. 


