Home Page

Year 1

Meet the team in Year One!


Important Information!

  • Please can children have pumps/indoor shoes. These are to be changed into each day.
  • Children need to bring in a water bottle in school with them each day.
  • Please could you ensure that all school uniform and jumpers are labelled to avoid them becoming lost!

Behaviour for Learning Grid

Year 1 Parent Information Session

Year One Long Term Plan


Homework will be sent out via Parentmail each half term. Paper copies can also be found in the plastic wallet in the cloakroom.

Homework grids will also be available, these are optional activities to complete throughout each half term. 

Spelling, Maths and Reading homework is expected to be completed each week.


  • Spelling - these will be given out and will be linked to phonics and common exception words.
  • Maths - this will be set via Mathletics. Numbots is also encouraged.
  • Reading - where possible two books a week, one e-reader and one physical. Please try and read as often as possible and log it in their reading journal if you can.


Autumn 1

Topic: Healthy Us

Autumn 2

Topic: London

Spring 1

Topic: Earth and Beyond

Spring 2

Topic: Hot and Cold

Summer 1

Topic: The Great Outdoors

Summer 2

Topic: The Seaside
