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Governance Statement

Adel Primary School Governing Body 

Annual Governance Statement 

1. Overview  

The Governing Body conducts its business to take account of the three roles of Governing Bodies as outlined in the Governors’ Handbook:  

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;  

  1. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;  

  1. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.  

The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team.  

The Governing Body ensures that the school complies fully with statutory safeguarding procedures. All staff have signed a record to confirm they have read Part 1 of the DfE statutory guidance “Keeping Children Safe in Education”. The Governing Body has familiarised itself with the document and worked with the Safeguarding lead in school to complete the annual safeguarding audit.  

2. The composition of the Governing Body  

There are currently 2 co-opted Governor vacancies. 

The range of skills across the governing body includes strengths in experience of professional and school leadership, understanding of national education policy, HR legal expertise, procurement and financial management. The governing body has a good balance of the skills required to carry out its work  


To ensure all vacancies on the Governing Body are filled.  When possible, Governors will be recruited on a skill, experience and knowledge basis to fill the gaps identified through the skills audit.   

3. Meetings of the Governing Body and Attendance  

The full Governing Body meets 4 times a year and all meetings are clerked by a trained professional clerk.  

There are two Governing Body Sub-Committees: Teaching and Learning & Pupil Support and  Resources.  These committees meet three times a year, and they have delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of the Governing Body and systematically monitor, evaluate and look at impact in their specific areas of responsibility. This is done through visits to school, information provided by the Headteacher and members of the Leadership Team and external sources such as the School Improvement Adviser and national data. 

Governors have good attendance at meetings overall. Apologies for non-attendance are considered on an individual basis; Governors are aware through the code of conduct that non- attendance, which includes apologies not being accepted, will result in the removal of a Governor six months from the date of first non-attendance.  


The Governing Body have agreed that meetings will take place in school for the 22/23 academic year. 

4. The effectiveness and impact of the Governing Body 2021-22  

The Governing Body worked to ensure that its legal functions were met, in particular, monitoring that the school complies with statutory safeguarding procedures. Governors also completed the DfE’s School Financial Value Standard, which includes evidencing how the school meets standards for good financial health and resource management.  

School Development Plan Monitoring 

Monitoring of the SDP took place in the first part of the academic year, until March 20th when school closed to all children but those of key workers and vulnerable children.   

With the partial closure of school, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we look forward to continuing these areas of development during 2020-21, and have some exciting initiatives and approaches being implemented throughout school.  

SDP Priority 1: Quality of Education and SDP Priority 4: Leadership & Management 

These areas were monitored by the Teaching and Learning Committee.  Subject Lead presentations at Teaching & Learning meetings in Term 1(Maths) and Term 2 (PE, History and English) provided evidence of variety of learning styles implemented in curriculum.   

SDP Priority 2: Behaviour and Attitudes 

This area was monitored by the Pupil Support Committee.  Red Kite Peer Review was discussed at committee meeting, with positive behaviour and learning evidenced ‘pupils were enthusiastic, articulate, and engaged about their learning’ (Redkite report).  Kate Selway’s Autumn Term visit noted that the Behaviour for Learning strategy was in place and displayed in classrooms. 

SDP Priority 3: Personal Development 

This area was monitored by the Pupil Support Committee.  Governors received a Presentation from S Earley showing Cultural strand of SMSC audit and evidencing where activities are recorded and impact will be monitored, leading to identification of areas for future development.  Debra Gardner’s Autumn Term visit discussed how the Lifesavers Programme would be implemented across the school and plans for monitoring effectiveness.   

SDP Priority 5: Early Years 

This area was monitored by the Teaching and Learning Committee and by the Early Years Governor, Amy Millson.   Autumn Term monitoring noted that there were clear procedures for dealing with medical conditions and monitoring individual needs. 

Full Governing Body Review 

The Governing Body undertook a full review in October 2019, reviewing their own performance and seeking feedback from SLT, staff, pupils and parents.  This resulted in the creation of an action plan around improving the impact and effectiveness. Of the Governing Body.  Our aim is to continue to work through this action plan during 2020/21, when the more immediate priorities of planning for the COVID-19 response has passed. 


The biggest area of work for our SLT, staff and the Governing Body this year has been managing the school’s response to COVID-19.  At national and local level there has been an unprecedented amount of information passed to school leaders and Governors, and a focus on health and safety in school became a priority, A detailed and rigorous risk assessment was implemented, with the support of Leeds City Council, and this continues to underpin safe practice in school. Governors switched to virtual meetings and maintained these during and after the lockdown period. 

Training and Development 

During 2019/20 the Chair of the Governing Body attended DfE-commissioned leadership development training that covered strategic leadership; effective governance and financial oversight; and educational improvement.  

The Chair and Headteacher attended training on Vision, Ethos and Strategic Direction in September 2019.  This led to a consultation with staff, parents and pupils and the development of new Visions and Values for Adel Primary School. 




Child Protection 

Julie Cordingley, David Gilliard, Amy Millson, Rinkoo Pugal, Kate Selway, Debra Gardner, Catharine Morgan, Ira Jeffers, Janyll Roberts, Bob Ubhi, Sarah Arnott, Tamsin Benning 

Sept 2019 

Headteacher Appraisal and Capability 

D Gardner, C Morgan, I Jeffers 

Sept/Oct 2019 

Pupil Premium 

C Morgan 

Oct 2019 

Safer Recruitment 

D Gilliard 

Nov 2019 

Vision, Ethos & Strategic Direction - The Governing Board’s Role in School Improvement 

C Morgan, D Gardner 

Nov 2019 

Vision, Ethos & Strategic Direction – Monitoring and Evaluation 

C Morgan 

Nov 2019 

Strategy: Living your values, reaching your vision, managing the risk 

C Morgan 

Nov 2019 

Different Models of Governance 

D Gardner 

Nov 2019