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Governance Statement

Adel Primary School Governing Body 

Annual Governance Statement 

1. Overview  

The Governing Body conducts its business to take account of the three roles of Governing Bodies as outlined in the Governors’ Handbook:  

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;  

  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;  

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.  

The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team.  

The Governing Body ensures that the school complies fully with statutory safeguarding procedures. All staff have signed a record to confirm they have read Part 1 of the DfE statutory guidance “Keeping Children Safe in Education”. The Governing Body has familiarised itself with the document and worked with the Safeguarding lead in school to complete the annual safeguarding audit.  

2. The composition of the Governing Body  

There is currently 1 co-opted Governor vacancy. 

The range of skills across the governing body includes strengths in experience of professional and school leadership, understanding of national education policy, HR legal expertise, procurement and financial management. The governing body has a good balance of the skills required to carry out its work.  


To ensure all vacancies on the Governing Body are filled.  When possible, Governors will be recruited on a skill, experience and knowledge basis to fill the gaps identified through the skills audit.   

3. Meetings of the Governing Body and Attendance  

The full Governing Body meets 4 times a year and all meetings are clerked by a trained professional clerk.  

There are two Governing Body Sub-Committees: Teaching, Learning & Pupil Support and  Resources.  These committees meet three times a year, and they have delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of the Governing Body and systematically monitor, evaluate and look at impact in their specific areas of responsibility. This is done through visits to school, information provided by the Headteacher and members of the Leadership Team and external sources such as the School Improvement Adviser and national data. 

Governors have good attendance at meetings overall. Apologies for non-attendance are considered on an individual basis; Governors are aware through the code of conduct that non- attendance, which includes apologies not being accepted, will result in the removal of a Governor six months from the date of first non-attendance.   

4. The effectiveness and impact of the Governing Body

The Governing Body work to ensure that its legal functions are met, in particular, monitoring that the school complies with statutory safeguarding procedures. Governors also complete the DfE’s School Financial Value Standard, which includes evidencing how the school meets standards for good financial health and resource management.  

School Development Plan Monitoring 

Monitoring of the SDP priorities (outlined below) takes place throughout the academic year at the Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support sub-committee..

SDP Priority 1: Quality of Education 

SDP Priority 2: Behaviour and Attitudes 

SDP Priority 3: Personal Development 

SDP Priority 4: Leadership & Management 

SDP Priority 5: Early Years 

Full Governing Body Review 

The Governing Body reviews its own performance on a regular basis and recent changes have included:

Increasing the size of the sub-committees

Changing the allocation of governors for in-school visits

Allowing for a hybrid (both online and face to face) meeting style where necessary to enable attendance, even when governors are not in Leeds

Training and Development 

Governors undertake regular training as part of their roles. Some of this training is in school alongside staff and some is with other providers. Monitoring of this is done by Ian Smith, the governor with responsibility for training.  The Governing Body is also represented at a forum that includes the leadership teams and governing bodies of other local schools.