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Year 4

Who's Who 


Mr Matthew Thompson 
Class Teacher 
Mrs Sarah Arnott 
Class Teacher 












Mrs Julia Wilson 
Teaching Assistant 
Miss Taher 
Red Kite Student 









Long-Term Plan 

Year 4 Long Term Plan 2024 - 2025


Weekly Timetable


Homework Timetable


Spellings Practice the spelling games from Monday to Sunday on EdShed. The following Monday is the spelling test.
Handwriting  Write each spelling 5 times in the red handwriting book. Hand in the following Monday.
Mathletics  Set on Tuesday  Due by the following Tuesday 
Topic Select an activity from the topic homework grid. Try to do at least eight pieces during the term.  Hand in when completed. There will be a homework showcase at the end of term. 
Reading  Daily for at least 20 mins


Half termly home/ school link document

Autumn Term 1 Parent Information Power Point


Year 4 Gallery