Governing Body Meetings
The full Governing Body has four meetings each year.
While the Governing Body has overall responsibility for the success of the school, detailed challenge and support work is carried out by sub-committees which meet once a term.
Attendance at Governing Body meetings is a major, but not the only, part of the input of Governors. Other Governor commitments not listed include Governor visits, learning walks, School Development monitoring as well as curriculum and wider curriculum monitoring activities.
The committees supporting the work of the school are:
Resources Committee - this committee deals with finance, staffing and premises issues. Amongst other things, it prepares and monitors the school budget and considers value for money; approves the staffing structure and develops pay policy; and covers health and safety and security matters.
Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee
This committee ensures that standards of teaching and learning are as high as possible by taking an overview of performance management. They look at what is taught in lessons, how it is taught and how all pupils are helped to achieve the best they can, whatever barriers there might be to their learning. This committee also monitors pupil progress, including that of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, and any vulnerable groups. The committee also oversees areas including attendance and punctuality, safeguarding and equality.
All Governors sit on at least one subcommittee and the minutes of these meetings are fed back at Full Governing Body meetings.
Minutes of all meetings are available in paper format once they have been ratified. Please do ask at the School Office if you would like a copy.