Governing Body Information
Governing Body Information
Adel Primary School Governing Body comprises the Headteacher, who is a Governor by virtue of her position, and:
2 Parent Governors: Parents, including carers, of a child at the school, elected by the parent body.
1 Staff Governor: Teaching or support staff, elected by the staff. The Headteacher is also a staff Governor.
1 Local Authority Governor: Appointed by the Local Authority from a political party or the community.
7 Co-opted Governors: These are appointed by the Governing Body to represent community interests. They are expected to be committed to the good governance and success of the school even if they do not work or live close to it.
Governing Bodies may also appoint non-voting Associate Members because of specific expertise and experience they can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
The term of office for all Governors other than the Headteacher is 4 years, although a Governor may choose to resign prior to the end of her or his term by providing written notice to the Clerk to Governors. The Governing Body also has the right to remove a Governor if she or he has not attended meetings of the Governing Body for a period of 6 months without the agreement of the other Governors, and the Governing Body resolves that the position is to be vacated.
As they hold an important public office, and in the interests of transparency, all Governing Bodies must publish information about their Governors, and their Governing Body arrangements on their website.
Below you will find information on the current Governors (and former Governors who held office during the past year):
- name
- who they represent or were appointed by
- term of office
- committees they serve on and any positions of responsibility they hold
- any relevant business interests
- whether they are also a governor elsewhere
- relationships (if any) with school staff
- attendance record over the past year for both governing body and committees (figures indicate meetings attended out of a possible total).
Headteacher (serves as a Governor ex officio)
Name: Julie Cordingley
Headteacher (appointed 01/09/18)
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee; Resources Committee.
Relevant business interests: Headteacher at school; Otherwise None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (5/5), Committees (9/9)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (7/9)
Staff Governors (elected by the staff)
Name: Tamsin Benning
Term of office: 16/3/20 to 15/3/24
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (5/5), Committees (6/6)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (6/6)
Local Authority Governor (nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Governing Body)
Name: Diane Hallas
Term of office: 15/7/21 to 14/7/2025
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee; Resources Committee.
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (4/5), Committees (5/6)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (1/1)
Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Governing Body)
Name: Debra Gardner
Term of office: 04/07/17 to 03/07/25
Committees: None
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (4/5), Committees (5/6)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (5/6)
Name: David Gilliard
Term of office: 24/09/15 to 03/07/23
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee; Resources Committee (Chair).
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (5/5), Committees (6/6)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (5/6)
Name: Ira Jeffers
Term of office: 13/11/18 to 12/11/26
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (5/5), Committees (5/6)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (3/3)
Name: Catharine Morgan
Term of office: 04/07/17 to 03/07/25
Committees: None
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (5/5), Committees (6/7)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (6/6)
Name: Bob Ubhi
Term of office: 03/03/16 to 10/06/24
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee (Chair) ; Resources Committee.
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (3/5), Committees (4/6)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (4/6)
Name: Karen Richardson
Term of office: 17/09/20 to 16/09/24
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee; Resources Committee.
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (4/5), Committees (4/6)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (6/6)
Name: Leah Larkin
Term of office: 17/07/22 to 16/07/26
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee; Resources Committee.
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
Parent Governor (elected by the parent body)
Name: Ian Smith
Term of office: 15/07/21 to 14/07/25
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee; Resources Committee.
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (4/5), Committees (5/6)
Name: Kate Selway
Term of office: 26/04/19 to 25/04/23
Committees: Teaching, Learning and Pupil Support Committee.
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (4/5), Committees (4/6)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (4/4), Committees (3/3)
Other Governors who served during the past year
Name: Amy Millson
Term of office: 13/11/18 to 12/11/22
Committees: Pupil Support Committee; Pay Appeals Committee
Relevant business interests: None
Other educational establishments governed: None
Relationships with members of school staff: None
2021/22 attendance record: Governing body (0/1), Committees (0/1)
2020/21 attendance record: Governing body (3/4), Committees (4/6)
Attendance at governing body meetings is a major, but not the only, part of the input of governors. Other governor commitments not listed include governor visits and learning walks, and informal consultations with staff on, e.g., finance-related matters.